I sat down to write this morning surrounded by pink Post-It notes.  Post It with thoughts, with words, with numbers, with names, and addresses.  

Some notes are just a word or two. 

Some are sentences.   

Some are bullet point lists.  

Some are full of all of the above.  

All of the Post-Its surrounding me are things in my brain that need to come out so they don’t have to keep riding the hamster wheel, and so they don’t forget them.  

Some are important, and some are just nonsense.  

Important and nonsense, my brain wanted to keep tossing them around, cluttering up my brain space. I have found that I am able to declutter my brain space by taking the important and nonsense and jotting them down on a Post-it note. After jotting down on the Post-it note, I can now let those things go from my brain, thus freeing it up to think of other things that are not cluttering.

We all have clutter. Yes, even that drawer in the kitchen or dining room we would go crazy about if anyone looked inside. Our brain is no different; it has clutter. We are often nervous or scared to put the clutter down on paper because what if someone stopped by and saw our brain’s clutter?  

Like decluttering the hidden drawer in our house, we must declutter our brains. Get the clutter out that is holding you back because you keep moving the brain clutter from one spot to another in your mind.      

I challenge each of us to take a few minutes each day to declutter our brains, allowing us to start each day a little more clutter-free than the day before. The more we declutter, the more we will find space for new, bright, and shiny ideas that we never thought of before because they could never make their way through the clutter.  

It’s time to start becoming clutter-free.

Your Friend,
