The Mind Body Project
About the Podcast
After over a decade in the health and wellness industry, Aaron realized that our bodies change only short term unless our mindset changes for the long term. The two are forever linked and our bodies will follow to places where our mind takes it. We are continually building up new ideas and tearing down old ones in our construction zone we call our mind. Join Aaron each week as he shares ways to continually work on our infinite construction zone as well as sharing the construction zones of his guests.
“Doing this challenge has been so much more than just weight loss, I am finding myself in this. I am teaching myself to trust myself and have a renewed confidence.”
30 Day Obsession
“Our mindset coaching group has definitely made me more accountable in all areas of my life. It has made me realize I have the power to make my life the life I want. It has equipped me with great tools to use to change my perspective, create a positive attitude, and live a life of gratitude.”
Mindset Group Coaching
“I started working out with Aaron to fit back into my smaller clothes, but I gained so much more than changing my physical appearance. Not only was I able to take control of my stress & anxiety, I feel stronger than ever, and have a much healthier mindset around pursuing my goals.”
Women's Group Class
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