Most every day I receive an email from my Dad just giving me a quick update on how his and my mom’s day went the day before or if there is any family news to share.

One of his emails last week ended with the following, “Focus on the day: Israel was instructed to gather manna ‘one-day-at-a-time’, an OT (Old Testament) ‘principle’, and a NT (New Testament) affirmation by Jesus to define our lives by ‘todays’, not ‘tomorrows’.”

I can easily get wrapped up in the tomorrows forgetting to focus on the day. The day my Dad sent those words was a day I desperately needed to hear them. His words helped me to remember to focus on the day and live for the day.

When we focus on the day, the tomorrows take care of themselves and our lives truly can be defined by living by our todays.

I challenge each of us this week to gather our manna ‘one-day-at-a-time’. Each of our manna may look a little different but we can each focus on today to define our lives by all of the years that we were able to link our one days together.

Your Friend,