A few hundred yards from my house is a pond surrounded by weeds and many trees. Behind the tank is one of my favorite spots. When I am mowing, I stop at the spot for a moment, and from there, I can see the whole pasture and my house, along with everything around it.  

The interesting thing is that when I stand at my house and look down the pasture to the pond, I cannot see where I like to stop and look at my house.   

Perspective is an interesting concept.  From my house, no matter how I move, I cannot see my favorite spot.  Yet, when I go down the pasture behind the pond, I can see my house perfectly clear.  

My challenge to each of us is to realize that we often think we are changing our perspective because we are moving around in a small location, trying to see things differently. We get frustrated because we just can’t see our situation any other way. In those situations, we need to move away from our current location and move to a place where we can clearly see where we are.

 In those moments, like me standing in my favorite spot behind my pond, the view completely changes, and we can see everything.     

Where you stand, you may never be able to see what you need to do unless you move.    

Your Friend,
