One morning last week, I hopped on the treadmill for my typical workout. A few minutes in, I felt a little pebble in my shoe. I initially thought of stopping the treadmill and sitting down for a few seconds to remove my shoe and dump the pebble. That was my initial thought. The next thought that came to mind was to keep going. It will be okay, and you won’t even notice it.  I should have listened to my initial thought because I walked and ran for the next 30 minutes with that little pebble that increasingly felt more significant and bigger rolling around in my shoe.  

As I kept going on the treadmill, I kept thinking about that little pebble and how that little pebble in my shoe was causing so much trouble, which was like little problems in our lives.  Often, little issues in our lives we do not want to take a few minutes, hour, or day to take care of it, so they stay rolling around in our minds and our daily lives,  Just like that little pebble in my shoe for 30 minutes growing into a what felt like a bolder in my shoe so too are those little pebbles of problems in our lives.  

If we take just a moment to resolve the pebble in our lives, we can go back to living without the thought of the problem rolling around in our minds or lives.  

My challenge to myself and each of you is to take the moment I didn’t while on the treadmill and remove the pebble from our life to make the journey a little easier.  Removing the pebble may take a short time and significantly affect our lives.  

Take the moment and remove the pebble.      

Your Friend,
