Good Morning Friends!!

Many of us spent the last week reflecting on what we have to be grateful for in our lives. With all the things we have to be grateful for we still can have some problems in our lives.

I want to put this bug in our ear…A lot of problems can be solved just by removing some foods, some people, and some habits from your life.

That sounds easy enough right?

I love food and there are some foods it has taken me years to remove from my diet.

The same is true for some of my habits that weren’t good for me and have taken years to get rid of them.

Solving some of our problems in life isn’t solved overnight. Once those problems are identified and intentionally worked on they can still take weeks, months, or even years to resolve.

My challenge to each of us in the coming weeks as we head toward the new year is to identify where some of our problems may lie and begin working on removing those problems. To remove a problem we have to get started otherwise the problem will be there this time next year.

Time to identify, be intentional, and remove problems.

Your Friend,
