Over the weekend myself and a couple of friends did a seven mile obstacle course in Boerne, Texas. We went through mud, submerged in cold dirty water, carried sand buckets, climbed walls, cargo nets, and attempted a lot of monkey bar type obstacles. Over the seven mile course we ended up doing around 50 obstacles.

My big takeaway from the weekend’s race was the amount of people that overcame so many obstacles.

I saw people frozen with fear at an obstacle and with the encouragement and help from others conquered the obstacle.

I saw people attempt an obstacle multiple times before conquering the obstacle.

I saw people with great physical limitations conquer obstacles.

I saw young, old, fit, not so fit, short, tall, and everything in between face obstacles and conquer obstacles.

The weekend’s race reminded me that whether we face a physical obstacle or mental obstacle we need to face our obstacle head on.

Sometimes we may need others to cheer us on and encourage us.

Sometimes we may need multiple attempts.

Sometimes we may need to overcome our own self limiting beliefs.

Face your obstacles head on and you will overcome and conquer them.

Your Friend,
