You might have noticed that I have been MIA from sending out Fit By Friday in the last couple of weeks.  

I have been busy transitioning from my open-to-the-public gym to opening a new private training studio. In all that action of moving, setting up, going back and forth between both places, planning, organizing, and resting, I didn’t sit down and take the time to share some words of encouragement for the week.

I could easily say I didn’t have time, but like many things in life, we do have the time, but we do not stop to take the time.

I am sure many of us are MIA.  We get so busy in our daily actions that we don’t stop to take the time to do the actions that move our dream needle, improve our health, strengthen our family, strengthen our faith, improve the life of another, and the list can go on and on.  

My challenge this week is simple: Save yourself if you find yourself MIA. Take a pause to reflect on your day, the week, or the month and ask yourself, “Have I been MIA?”. 

If you found yourself MIA, I encourage you to take the time to get back in the action of your life.  

Your Friend,
