Every morning I hop on my treadmill and do either a walking or running program. One of the instructors I use “on demand” always says at the beginning of the workout “Let it go like Elsa”. The instructor is referring to Elsa from the movie Frozen. I have never watched the movie Frozen but this short statement always sticks with me and one morning last week the phrase really resonated with me.

The phrase, “Let it go” sure sounds easy enough but when I try and put it into practice it sure is hard. Last week I used the phrase for some things in my life that were not really serving me but I was just hanging on to them because it was too hard to let them go. I had needed and wanted to let them go but just couldn’t. When I took the big step and let them go I felt like a weight had been lifted from me and was a little freer and lighter.

Are there things in your life you need to let go like Elsa?

Could they be hard things to let go?

They sure can.

Would you feel like you have lightened the load?

You sure would.

I challenge each of us this week to be like Elsa in Frozen and “Let it go”. Three easy words but yet the hardest words to put into practice.

Let it go Friends!!

Your Friend,
