Sunday afternoons during football season are for watching football and napping around my house. Just as I flipped over to a game the camera was on Buccaneers Quarterback Tom Brady as he was walking away. I noticed some writing on his helmet on the back. The words read “Inspire Change”.

I began to think about those words and what they meant. If we require someone to do something, chances are we have directly told them to do what we are asking or else.

What does it mean to inspire?

In order to inspire we must be doing what we are asking of others. When we inspire, others see what we are doing and are so moved that they want to become part of the movement.

“Inspire Change”…

For us to inspire change in others they must be able to see what change has done for us in a positive way that they want to be a part of that change for themselves.

My challenge to each of us is to Inspire, never require. If we are to inspire we must first be the example.

Are you inspiring by being an example?

Your Friend,
