My wife Kim is returning to the salon business after a ten-year hiatus.  She worked in a salon previously for ten years then owned and operated her own salon for ten years before retiring from the salon business.  During those 20 years she did nails, perms, colors, men’s and women’s cuts, and everything else a full-service salon offers.  

This week Kim will be opening her own salon but this time a little different.  For the last 20 years, she has always dreamed of opening a men’s salon.  She will be opening The Blade Men’s Salon.  

She has been asked numerous times in the previous weeks why a men’s salon and not a full-service salon.  Her reply as she posted on social media a few days ago, “It’s what I always enjoyed and felt I was good at, and I believe when you feel that confidence with something hone in on that!  You don’t have to be everything and do it all!  Do what you enjoy and what you excel at!”

My challenge for each of us this week is to follow Kim’s advice.  Stop trying to be everything, doing it all, pleasing everyone, and start believing in your confidence with the things you are good at to start honing in on those things.  Imagine what each of us could do if we started pouring more time into the things that we excel at and bring us joy and happiness. 

It is never too late in life to reexamine to start understanding what we have confidence in and what brings us happiness.  

Your Friend,
