Last week in our small group training class, we had an exercise that involved lying down, and the exercise right next to it involved sitting down and lifting a dumbbell out to the side. The two exercises might have been a little close together, so I would always jokingly remind the person sitting and lifting the weight out to the side not to drop the weight on the person lying down.  

When I mentioned being careful to one client she mentioned she wouldn’t drop the weight on the lady lying next to her because she said I love her.  

My response was don’t we often hurt the ones we love the most?  

No, we don’t drop a dumbbell on them but don’t we often say things that are hurtful, act in a hurtful way, or many other ways that would resemble a heavy weight?  

The ones we love will take the weight being dropped on them and still love us and not run away when we don’t always act our best.  

I challenge each of us to be mindful of the weight we are letting fall, intentional or unintentional,  on our loved ones.  No, we cannot always be perfect and sometimes we act out in a manner that is hurtful to the ones we love but be quick to apologize.  Not only apologize but understand what you did that was hurtful and work to improve so that doesn’t happen again.  

We all drop weights, be mindful to drop less today than you did yesterday.

Your Friend,
